Sites and vestiges of the D-Day to visit in Normandy

Go to the strategic battle locations to understand the complexity of this military operation. During your visit of the remainings of D-Day in Normandy,  you will discover the everyday life of soldiers at the time.

  • Saint-Marcouf-de-l’Isle

  • 10 minutes from the campsite

Experience the extraordinary atmostphere of the Crisbecq battery. Over almost 10 acres, 21 bunkers and other blockhouses restored with original equipment are waiting to help you retrace the life of soldiers on the front. Take a walk in the trenches which connect them and relive the experiences of the troops.

  • Cricqueville-en-bessin
  • 45 minutes from the campsite

Situated between Utah and Omaha beach, visit the command post, the shelters and the casemates of the German artillery battery at the Pointe du Hoc. Download the mobile phone app « Pointe du Hoc » at the start of your visit that will guide you and provide you with a mine of information about how the German defence was organised and its own D-Day story.

  • Arromanches-les-Bains

  • 1 hour from the campsite

Discover Arromanches’ circular cinema and plunge into the heart of D-Day for a unique experience. Located on the higher ground overlooking the town, you can admire the vestiges of Arromanches’ artificial port built by the Allies.

  • Longues-sur-Mer
  • 1 hour from the campsite

Situated at the top of the cliff on the sea front, the German battery at Longues-sur-Mer is a strategic defence position of the Atlantic Wall. It is composed of a command post and four casemates which are still equipped with their original 150 mm canons of the time.

  • Courseulles-sur-Mer
  • 1 hour 10 minutes from the campsite

Several vestiges of the defence system that made up the Atlantic Wall are to be found on a mile-long stretch of the coast. Weapons and equipment of the period will take you back to 1944 so you can gain a better understanding of the D-Day story. These historic elements have been preserved thanks to the advance of the dunes on the coast over the years.

  • Bénouville
  • 1 hour 20 minutes from the campsite

Located between Caen et Ouistreham, the Pegasus Bridge passes over the Caen canal. It was named in honour of the British airborne forces whose emblem is the winged horse Pegasus. Visit the Pegasus Memorial museum and see the original bridge, as well as hundreds of objects and photos of the period, to get an insight into the missions of the British 6th Airborne Division on D-Day.

d day museum

See numerous collectibles which have actually been used during the D-Day and the Battle of Normandy.

US cemetery Omaha Beach

Remembrance places of the soldiers who died during the Normandy landings battles and following days.

Omaha beach

From Utah to Sword Beach, go along the norman coast to discover the history of the Normandy landings.

dday guided tour

Walk the mythical places of D-Day accompanied by a specialist guide of the landings who will explain all details of this conflict.

dday festival in Normandy

From May to June take part in the many festive events offered by the D-Day Festival programme : dropings, military camps, concerts…

Some recommendations for choosing a campsite near Utah Beach.